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Oxford Lord Mayor, Craig Simmons, "Get down to London on Oct 7th and join XR" | Extinction Rebellion
Making of the Lord Mayor ceremony
An Evening with the Oxford Lord Mayor
Dr. Larch Maxey visits Roger Hallam | Extinction Rebellion
Greta Thunberg, "The Eyes of Future Generations are upon You" | Extinction Rebellion
XR NYC Oct 7th Global Rebellion Begins
Extinction Rebellion: what do they actually want? | 7th Oct 2019
"Yes, yes yes! October 7th, We'll be there" declares enthusiastic Hackney Dad | Extinction Rebellion
George Monbiot "It's time to be scientifically realistic" | Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion will 'hang around Palaszczuk's neck'
Heydon Prowse, "I'm joining XR on Oct 7th for the mass protest in London..." | Extinction Rebellion
"Nurse-In" Interviews from Downing Street | Victoria Derbyshire BBC Oct 9 | Extinction Rebellion